
Gold jewelry in North Park project operators will be opened before the end of the year , Chinese je

Related articles: jewelry processing plant is located in the Tanggu Marine High - Tech Development Zone of North Park project has all capped epitaxial construction and interior decoration work . enterprises in the park will be opened before the end of this year , the operators , the public here not only can Northern Gold Jewelry Park project total investment of about 40 billion yuan, the construction area of 700,000 square meters , the project in two phases of development and construction , a 120,000 square meters , broke ground in July last year . Recently, gold jewelry Park , a project of the stand-alone industrial plants have all been capped , full access to the work , including internal and external eaves decoration . Expected by the end of September this year , the stand-alone plant can be delivered for use . Currently, 11 independent plant investment work gallery has also been launched simultaneously . The the northern gold jewelry Park identified the first batch of 14 gold jewelry business as the first Admission , operators will be opened before the end of this year . According to the plan , Jewelry Park will build a city of a gold jewelry as the theme park , the public can watch the whole process of gold jewelery manufacture here , and you can choose according to their own preferences gold , platinum , silver tailored , precious stones, and nephrite raw materials, in accordance with the drawings and the size . According to the plan , the entire project will be the the northern gold jewelry Park 2016 All completed and put into use . By then, a set of gold jewelry processing , display , transactions were identified in one of the gold jewelery park will be presented in front of the people .

