
Hangzhou gold jewelry soared yesterday of 9 yuan grams record high this year , Chinese jewelry

Related articles: QE3 ( third round of quantitative easing ) of market after a long wait the dust settles , the global crude oil market yesterday was detonated international eve of the rise to reach 36 U.S. dollars ounce , or more than 2% yesterday on the red $ 1,777 ounce . U.S. stocks ended sharply higher , the Dow and the S & P 500 index were the highest close since the end of 2007 .

analysts believe that Europe and the U.S. Federal Reserve launched easing boost the gold again riding cattle passers , especially overseas stock market will continue strong challenge pre-crisis high point , this is the first half performance this on good QDII products continue to steal the spotlight . Non-US currencies such as the euro , the Australian dollar in one fell swoop to reverse the decline , the sharp appreciation of the yuan , more than 8.7% appreciation of the Australian dollar against the RMB exchange rate more than three months , citizens of foreign currency financial management concepts have changed .

